Terms and Conditions

  1. I (the developer of the Hand Cricket app) reserve all rights to finalize all rules of the game and change/update the rules at any point of time.
  2. The algorithm for coin calculation can be changed anytime without any notice. In case I change the algorithm, I moslty will write it down under "What's new in this version" section in App Store. However, in case I don't, too bad for you.
  3. Under no circumstances will I give out the actual algorithm to calculate coins. I may however give users a suggestion on how to score more.
  4. I can reduce the coins for everyone with the same factors. This could be done if the scores are too big or too small. In the unlikely event that this "coin correction" happens, no particular user will be disadvantaged and it will affect everyone in the same manner.
  5. I can ban certain players if I deem certain activity unlawful or not upto the highest level of integrity.
  6. I can reduce coins for a player as a mean to penalize them in case I find "unusual activity".
  7. I hold the power to increase coins for players when I deem that they have been disadvantaged by the game due to a reason.
  8. If you as a user believe that the above point apply to you, you can contact me, after which I will make a decision on whether your coins should be increased or not.
  9. A user may not use offensive username to play the game. If a user uses an office username, they will be penalized by coin deduction, or banned from the game, or I will update their username to something generic.
    1. Offensive user names may include cus words or racial slurs in ANY language.
    2. Offensive user name also includes user names that target people's religious or political believes.
    3. An exception for this rule is if the belief system is completely stupid like flat earthers, anti vaxxers, or aa certain president candidate of the US thaat likes walls.
    4. The above rule only comes into effect when the user is in the top 50 leaderboard.
    5. A user may have whatever user name they like as long as they are not in the top 50 leaderboard.
  10. If you see something unusual, I will give you bonus coins.
  11. In case a user detects a bug, I will also award them bonus coins depending on how small or big the bug is
    1. A bug is something usual that is not part of the feature. What is and is not part of the feature is decided by me.
  12. I will also give out bonus points to anyone that provides me with a suggestion for future update that I go on to add in Hand Cricket.

© Copyright 2020 - 2021 Shubham Arya